Wilder Woods

Central Somerset Outdoor Learning Partnership

Wild Roots

We have a few linked projects which have grown out of Hallr Wood activities.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Wild Roots Growing for Wellbeing Group

                      Mondays 10.30-1pm, Catsham, Baltonsborough.

The Growing for Wellbeing Project is a small weekly group that welcomes people who want to get outdoors and learn new skills.  Our main emphasis is on horticulture and rural craft activities. We have a large productive growing space, polytunnel and cut flower/healing garden.  We are in a beautiful rural location easily accessible by public transport. We can cater for any weather with large areas under cover.  We also have a composting toilet, handwashing facilities and provide simple refreshments.

Whether you need an excuse to get out of the house, want to dip your toe into being around other people again or just enjoy being outdoors we might be what you’re looking for.  It’s not all digging and hard work, there are lots of more sedate and seated activities and jobs if these suit you better.

For more information contact Ursula Casey at ursula@wilderwoods.org.  Booking essential.

Also please check out our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/wilderwoods.org/?tn-str=k*F