Wilder Woods

Central Somerset Outdoor Learning Partnership

Hallr Wood News

by Deb Millar - December 5th, 2014.
Filed under: Events, Monthly Review.

dragon chairIn addition to our regular groups of young people, we have had a busy term with various other events this autumn.

Open Day

(Sep 13th) Thanks to Aster Communities for supporting this. We fired our kiln up again and enjoyed a lovely week end with quite a few people sleeping over to be there for the kiln opening too. We hired a minibus from Brookside School to enable those without transport to attend. As usual there were lots of activities, trails, music on stage and delicious teas in the café. We estimated 84 adults and 38 children attended.


Barton Scouts came to us for support for their fire and shelters badges and gave us a donation of £20. (Sep 23rd)

Volunteer Day

(Oct 5th) Supported by Aster Communities. We planted bulbs, cleared some of the growing area, processed fire wood, built an arch into the orchard and moved timber.

Get Inventive with Nature’s Patterns: a workshop for forest school practitioners and school staff (Oct 6th).  We had some great email feedback. ‘As always the Hallr Wood workshops are fabulously inspiring and full of achievable ideas. Thank you so much, it is wonderful to be able to access such high quality workshops so reasonably.’

Super Heroes Day for Charlton Mackrell Primary School: (Oct 16)

It was lovely to be able to work with our local Primary School as this doesn’t happen enough. 24 variously caped super heroes made dens and power sticks and emblems.

superheroes den

Playscheme for Brookside School (Oct 28th) 24 children, 4 adults. Mixed activities, including den making, firelighting, crafts and Pizza making.

Inclusive Youth Volunteer Day (Oct 29th) (9 young people) Short Breaks funded.

It was especially lovely to see three of our old participants return. Tom’s dad had taken the day off work unpaid to bring him.


Visit of mizer to plank timber (Nov 7th) We had a very intense but rewarding day planking our timber. We worried there wouldn’t be enough for Rupert to do but he didn’t get through it all. This was funded through our Wood Fund.  wood mizer at HW

Wessex Water representatives came on November 11th to present us with a cheque for £160 towards our wildlife  pond. Many thanks to Wessex Water.

Wessex Water cheque