Wilder Woods

Central Somerset Outdoor Learning Partnership

John Muir Awards for conservation skills at Hallr Wood

by Deb Millar - December 12th, 2010.
Filed under: Monthly Review.

We would like to congratulate Henry, Mark, Ryan, Korey, Ashleigh and Neill for achieving their John Muir Awards for conservation. Henry, Mark, Ryan and Korey will receive the second tier of this award – the Explorer Award and Neil and Ashley have completed the first level ‘Discovery’.

Part of the Explorer Award involved a days coppicing work for the National Trust at Ivythorn Wood. The boys have also built a coracle.

The Discovery Award has focused around the bird life at Hallr Wood. The boys have learnt more about the birds we have there and have made fat logs to help the birds through the colder spells.
We had a great term – to see photos check out the Hallr Wood gallery.
